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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Brazil Ignores the Global Recession

By Michael Swanson

How has Brazil been able to achieve no economic drops? Their economy actually grew in 2008 while others were experiencing losses, up 5.4% in fact. Not a bunch, but when you look at the economy in other countries you see nothing but plight.

Investors state that Brazil is by far the strongest economy when compared to several of the other past leaders. Their inflation rate even dropped, and surplus was up to $3. 6 billion dollars. What a fantastic leadership role President Lula has taken on.

Not even affected by those mortgages problems that have faced so many other nations in the world. A large amount of homes are owned by the Brazilians, 70% in fact. Though they may not be in the best shape, they still do own them.

The president is the direct reason behind this good fortune, swearing he would make the economic development of Brazil his number one priority. He's done a fantastic job, and has helped in pulling in other Latin nations to support US ideas.

One thing that has never been done by a Latin country before is paying off an International Monetary Fund, ahead of when it's due. But the economy in Brazil is growing and has accomplished that feat, and had a lot of money still left in the reserves. In fact they paid it off a year early.

As with any policy there are people who complain about the effects that are felt in many areas. Saying that mostly the higher classes have felt the benefits from the economy. Stating also that education should be focused on, and that the public sector should be streamlined.

Helping out relations with the United States and other Latin countries, Brazil has made up three different organizations for this purpose. A shining star in the days where the economy has hurt most countries, perhaps we should all take a few lessons from President Lula and his ideas. - 23305

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