New Forex Trading Strategy

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Forex "Foreign Currency Trading" A New Yet Solid Way To Earn Your Fortune

By Arthur U. Fellon

The story was once told by a proud father of his young boy who previously had no business sense or acumen what so ever. It seems that this young lad had parlayed a meager sum of his money and cash into a rather large sum of funds simply by changing his wealth on a regular basis from one currency to another. As the young fellow instructed his father. Anyone can do it. You simply read the newspaper for current currency rates. It does not cost anything. Then I went to the bank and purchased traveler's checks , which to his good fortune his bank included in his service fee package. If the paper told me that dollars went up , I cashed in my US dollar denominated Amex travelers checks. If British pound sterling was low , I would use those funds to buy units in that currency. Add in Japanese Yen and E.U. European money into the mix , and all in all you have a simple explanation of forex , foreign currency trading. Interestingly the young man was able to place down a substantial down payment for a substantial new home in Coquitlam Canada.

There are two main theories related to analyzing forex transactions. The 1st is fundamental analysis which looks at the economic conditions surrounding the value of a currency to determine if its price is fair. The 2nd main analysis method is technical analysis which depends on analyzing historic patterns of a currency to predict where it will go in the future.

Generally a smart forex trader will use both forms of analysis when operating in the currency markets. Interestingly the world renowned British financial magazine "The Economist" uses a scale of McDonald's hamburgers and their comparative pricing around the world , back to a standard reference point as to the relative value of foreign currencies vis- a-vis each other. The method has been more than criticized in the staid world of international finance yet the Economist's ledger seems to be remarkably accurate in its statical record and history.

It does not take much at all to cause panic and mayhem in the forex market. If anything it can be said that the whole process is not boring or mundane by any chance. A tropical storm such as Katrina can wreak great havoc and mayhem not only physically by its weather but also weather a storm on the dollar , Yen or British pound Sterling , their value and perceptions of future value. Economics it seems is always driven by the simple concepts of "supply and demand". The major change in the 21'st century in 2009 and on into the new millennium of 2010 is the absolute breakneck speed of communication. What used to take weeks and months to traverse the globe in terms of communication and information now takes but a flash of a second. Sometimes as with natural disasters such as earthquakes or political assassinations , world and thus fortune causing changes can come out of the blue , instantaneously .

There are ways to protect you in such a volatile market such as stop loss trading. This is where you set a lower limit below which you do not want to pass and if the currency pair drops below this your trade will be made, there by protecting you from any further drop in the currency value. - 23305


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